ways we serve

Jesus' message and life was abundantly clear, as followers of The Way we are commissioned to be servant to the world. We are always looking for ways to creatively meet the needs of our community, neighborhood, and county. 

One of the regular needs for people in our area is food and clothing. Consider going through your pantry and closets to find non perishables, blankets, sleeping bags, and coats. Drop them off in our joy boxes on Sunday's. 

second saturday

Every second Saturday, Catalyst partner's with the Arcata House Partnershipan organization committed to serving the those in need in Arcata. Our goal is to raise $150 a month, provide volunteers, make lunches for 18-20 people, and open up the showers and laundry facility for families who don't have access to this basic need. Looking forward to serving together with you!

Next Date - Saturday, January 13, 9-Noon

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Fifth Sunday Web.jpg

The fifth sunday is a space we created to connect with the neighbors within a 1 mile square radius. We might throw a chili cook off, mow lawns, have a neighbor hood BBQ, or adopt a family in need. No strings attached, just connection. 

Next Date - April 29th, 2018

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